Sunday, November 30, 2008


Yesterday turned out to be pretty relaxing. Woke up, played demos on my PS3 'cause thats all i can do sadly. =[
then you called me we talked for a little bit, was good to hear your voice =].
aafter talked to ryan and byron about our project so byron picked me up we went to ryan's talked about the project for like literally 10mins and then started to play games. after that we met up with cindy and greg and we ate a place called tacomexico. heard you been there bebs with ryan and fong. Mike came too, after we ate we went to Santa Monica pier, we were gonna go fishing, buut the bait shop closed so we just ate funnel cake walked around and hung out and ryan and greg tried to break plates but they missed everytime haha 0/4. haha. hilarious. then we met up with byron and malynda. hung out at the pier talked then went to mcdonalds near ryan's house ate there so foggy. then went home. slept around 2 =]. how was your day? telll me about it yeah? lol

love you julie.

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