Thursday, September 17, 2009


I'm tired of being a failure in life.

Monday, July 13, 2009

bomb week

Was last week and its pretty much what julie and daniel had alread posted up in their blogs, so there is no reason to repeat the great times we had experienced within that week. it was great. love you julie. love you daniel. congrats on hitting 18 dude haha seemed like it took forever.

to bring you up to date:
sunday, july 12, i went with my broskies philson, makara, and larry (marshall '04) to philson's cousin's family bday party. when i arrived everyone was talking about how much ive grown and philson's mom was saying how i looked like Ariza. we swam, ate, swam, ate, and swam some more haha. we played a game where we had to shoot each other in certain parts of the body lol, makara got shot in the nuts like 4 times haha. larry shot down a bee and he later stepped on it, karma man. lol...after it got too cold we went inside and philson's relatives brought rockband2 and they had BUNCH of songs =D. it was soo fun and their drums had cymbals =D. it was fun rocking out with everyone. got to talk with jennifer, colleen, and Derek, damn they all grew up so much, known them since i was in 8th grade. was fun to hang out with them. yesterday was great. =]....i wanna swim again. >.<


Thursday, July 2, 2009

HOT HOT Thursday

I went to go swim with the guys, but before that we went to sam's house and hung out their for a bit and watched busto and kish play call of duty 4. then we went to the pool and it was fun. I went with busto, sam, tran, greg, mike, kish, and adrian. it was fun. we all chilled and joked around. then I came home because i had no money for food =/. Slept after i ate then played some video games and watched this awesome E! special on Michael Jackson.

That was my day...not so productive.


Thursday, June 25, 2009


lately i haven't been on this because i didn't really have anything to say.

Tuesday night was the premiere of Transformers 2: Rise of the Fallen, it was a great movie. we waited 4 hours in line to be first. it was worth the wait and time went by fast due to card games that were hilarious. The next day i think i just stayed home and hung out with philson and my bro.
Thursday morning i went to class of '09's graduation and that was fun, screamed on the top of my lungs for all my friends and people that i knew. it was fun seeing everyone. after we went to cindy's for her lunch graduation party thingy lol. that was fun, saw a lot of 08 people too. after went to hang out with philson and my bro and played rockband. Stayed at his house for a couple of hours then came home. and thats what i've been up to.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Best I Ever had

i wish i had a car...fuck life. lolll

on the plus side today consisted of:
talking to julie =]
watching the laker game while talking to julie =]

-thats it-


A Whole New World!!

Today woke up super duper early, which was about around 9:30ish. After went online and talked to juju while she worked on her fafsa. (x2) lol. Then 2 o'clock rolled around and she was off to work, so i was bored and watched Aladdin. =] great movie. after that philson picked me up and we went to his place to play some rockband and killzone 2. i noticed im a pretty good leader up on killzone 2 =]. we also got noches somewhere near chinatown, i forgot the name of the place, but it was gooooood. anywhooo, after all that, I came home and writing this blog. Today was a decent day, watching Aladdin was fun. =].


Friday, June 12, 2009


Today i had a dream within a dream, which was crazy. I go on my comp talk to juju, wish i had a car or money so i could go to her house or go out and get her tommys so she can eat that with her chocolate milk =]. ultimate tummy wummy ache and the "runs" as she would put it lol.

update:: Around the afternoon, philson called me and was debating on buying a PS3, so he did. He got a Ps3, rockband 2 bundle, extra controller, and killzone 2. I went to his house, helped him set it up. We played Rockband til 3 in the morning. came home and went straight to sleep. =] good day.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Today was my last official day of school and now all i got look forward to is Finals. I hope i do well. After history, I met up with the guys and went to go eat at Mongolian BBQ, which was good. then went to Pysch...cilla was there and all we did was talk about her and pesto lol, which was chill. After class we were waiting for jordan to finish his lunch, once he finished we all went home. cilla dropped me off...i took a shower and watched the game. Juju called me, but then had to go in like 5mins ='[. after watched the game with my bro and tasha. INTENSE GAME! WOO! Talk about finals lol. Great game. and now im just sitting here on my lazy bum, BUT overall good day =].

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Last night, I had to sleep on the couch because my cousin came from San Francisco. i tried to sleep at 12 because i was soooo pooped from the activities that day had consisted of. Around 1am, i hear my parents and my uncle talking, was pretty difficult to sleep. I moved around the whooole night, once 7am came around, I hear my mom and my baby sister screaming on the top of her lungs. I fucking hate sleep on the couch especially when my mom comes in the living room trying to be all nice about it. -___- Once i got more sleep in her room, I got up around 9 why you may ask? because my mom came into that room and woke me up. no rest in this house!! ahhhh. T___T. I get up and head towards my room and i see my brother, we go to office depot to drop off my ps3 around 11 and end up getting two McCafe drinks, which is pretty good. Come back home, spend time with the cousins and my bro. Juju says she might come over, but i end up playing ball with Sam, Busto,Azer, and Michael. It is never ending laughter when its us four haha. head back to azer's house to watch the laker game, while eating some pizza, salad, and hot wings. MMMMM. it was yummy! Then came home and just end up doing some "homework". Today was a great day. =]. gotta wait 14-17 buisness days for my ps3. cant wait =].


p.s. Kung Fu Panda is always epic no matter how many times ive seen it. I just wanna squeeze the panda. =]

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Wind Blows - AAR

Woke up today hearing the rain drip down my window, what a great feeling. I had to finish my report for history which was easy and then started to talk to juju. Around 11-12pm, I was watching this fascinating show about the human body and how our brains work and the way our body eats itself away during intense pressure and stress, well given the situation. While watching, my little cousin comes into my room and says, "there's a package here for you." I get up with a smile on my face and open the door haha. the UPS guy greeted me and my words were all over the place haha due to my excitement yeeeee!! hahaha. After i put my ps3 in and left it next to my tv to take it tomorrow morning. I found this new show which caught my attention called Royal Pain. It is awesome! played a little bit of bejeweled and ranked up to 3rd within 30mins =D yeah i good. hehehe. well thats about it.

-see you space cowboy

Thursday, June 4, 2009


To all my avid readers, today was a typical day for me. *REWIND* It was hard to sleep last night, kept waking up practically every hour. My alarm went off at 8:10 a.m.; was hard to wake up in the morning especially when school is so redundant. blah. History class always catches my attention and teaches me things that i have never learned even about the euro-centric lifestyle. I came home early because i had no money for food at school =[. I came home talked to julie online then on the phone, then again online. 6 p.m. hit LA LA LA LAKER GAME. they did great, kobe shined as usual and now im watching so you think you can dance.

overall, today was a good day.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Today i went to school, and came home and took care of some business over the phone with Sony. I'm a pretty busy man haha. anywhoo, julie and cilla came over...after awhile kristian came. we all hung out. cilla had to go. I got juju angry...yikes! it looked like she was gonna cry, but she was probably tired lol. =P Never a dull moment with her, i love her. =] she's epic...kinda. haha


Today, Cindy gave me a bracelet!! =]

THE END! live long and Goodluck.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

3 weeks..

ONLY 3 weeks to go before summer vacation begins for me. i can't wait. life is soo boring, i wish i had no restrictions in my life right now -___-, i would be out right now. blah.
Today was fun, played ball with the regulars and some new friends that we made last week. it was great to play with them. after we played ball for 4 hours, we went to go eat pho. A lot of funny moments with them haha especially sam and azer lol. after that we went to busto's pad and watched mall cop which was rather funny lol. met up with boolie and kris. then came home and i am totally pooped. X__x


Today was a good day. Waking around 11 felt nostalgic...reminded me of my high school days. I tried to stay up til 5 because julie said she was gonna come, so when 5:30 came around i took a nap, hoping that she wouldn't call while i was sleeping. =x Around 6:20ish, Philson and Makara came and we watched 28 days later and ate chips, smores, and apple juice. 8 o'clock, juju called me and we were conversing, but it was rather difficult to interpret what she was saying because i could only hear screams and roars. lol. BUT none the less, i was happy that she called because i need her. =D after that we started to watch another movie, but ended up getting bored, so we just watched some tv. After awhile our stomach's were talking so we ended up going to Tommy's and hanging out for a bit. i feel like calling julie, so we can "talk" about nothing haha, but she's probably busy. anywho, very pleasant day.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


March 31st, 2009...An old elementary friend, Joey Romo, got murdered in atwater sucks, life truly is a bitch. it hurts knowing that someone that you stood up against, chin to chin like we were gonna fight in 5th grade shows how those days were good days. heh. didnt hit me as hard as adrian. but its still there....he was too young, 18...a guy who knew about respect. he was a good guy....had many memories from riding bikes around the hood in elementary to skating at the school while he was chilling at the school during high school. Good Times...everything at this moment feels so fake. to think that something like this actually is possible. damn...he was a smart guy. Life is too short, its a bitch. Wish i was there...damn.

R.I.P Joey Romo.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

long time.

It's been a long time...All i've been up to is helping eric fix up his new house and i've been learning new things about building stuff lol, which is pretty interesting. you never know i might need it. lol. but yeah life is rather boring other then that. good times. so many funny moments lol. good times indeed. =]
