Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Stellar Wednesday

Today was actually a good day. Was studying for a business quiz (which i got a 14/17 on) and talking to julie...went to school finished through business and then went to the marshall vball game caught the last game for jv, saw their improvement over the days even though it may have not been a lot but they're getting there *congrats*....started to watch varsity, but got bored cuz they were gonna win for sure, so ryan and i went over to the other side and played volleyball with everyone else. julie showed up and i stepped on her big toe lol mad it even bigger. lol daniel was actually diving for the first time in his vball career haha...was some good sets in. *fast forward* jomart got emotional and stuff happened...daniel acted his usual gay self. lol. he was telling me on how he wanted to gymnastics...went home...finished my essay for history then ate and played a little bit of video games...and now listening to stellar by incubus. use to love playing this on guitar. and tomorrow history and vball 8-12pm, come home chill with philson and my bro.


1 comment:

Julie said...

I'm glad you had a good day!