Friday, October 31, 2008

Post Halloween

Oct. 30. I woke up round 7:30 rushed to the bus stop and took the bus to school. class was chill. after class we went to Rosco's chicken and waffles. man that place is expensive such a waste. almost 5 bucks for a freakin' waffle just ONE WAFFLE ahhh! but yeah it did fill me up. after we went to chris's house and just chilled til the holy fam game which they swept 3-0. saw julie, kristian, blake, busto, and azer. then we were all just hanging out til sam got out of class. paul, kish, ryan went to go drop of carleen at home, while chris, busto and i went to la sex shop and chris and busto bought sam a blow up doll ahaha. We met them up at In n Out...they ate a little. Sam finally called said if we wanted to go with him to Full House to eat with his family. we went and ate up and laughed so hard. it was a great night. after we took sam to the nearest gas station, where we blew up his new gf haha. and we showed it to him while he tried to run away from his girl haha. hilarious!! couldnt stop laughing. then we went back to ryan's house for a bit and chilled. everyone started to leave so, i went home at 2. that night was worth staying out for =]. thanks sam happy birthday bro.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Went to school. fell asleep during history watched a video lol...vball class was fun dj, robert, and I couldnt stop laughing i literally fell to the floor with fun. after volleyball, went to noodle world with ryan, chris, byron, and josh. i ate the most cuz byron that girl couldnt finish his food and i paid for him -___-. lol then went to ryan's house was trying to learn some new CHOREO haha then paul came and we went to the holy family game...they lost(0-3) sad. after that just came home. watching the laker game and just saw odom pass the ball to sasha when he was on bench hahahaha hilarious. but yeah MHS vball game tomorrow hope to see you there julie =] lol. you dork.

Monday, October 27, 2008

"mad" Sunday

Sunday was bomb.
played some sof/ picked up by mike around 4ish.
chilled at ryan's waited on ppl to come...slowly they came. it was fun, we played gb, watched youtube videos, went on the roof, got in trouble, said sorry, then went home. overall the day was fun...felt good to hang out with everyone rather then playing volleyball. i feel like making a youtube video...julie are you down? since youll be reading this haha. but your always busy...but yeah. sunday fun. miss greg "gmoney2" already.

-peace out
"Believe it!" -H0kage haha

dear julie, i love you =]

Saturday, October 25, 2008


wish i could get away from my parents...wish i had my own place...tired of this shit. -___-


Friday was very splendid!
1. got an A on my philo essay woot! =D
2. went home played some gb then got called up by julie and got scooped up by her and kristian.
was great to see her again. been awhile...heh. (her driving is very good, i love her.) =]
3. got to open gym was owning them balls...ran with julie got tired in the longest...ran through the sprinklers and we were floating on thin air, aka wet mud -_-'. lol overall open gym was fun!
4. Hooters got over there ate, chilled, talked with my man blake. he has a lot to say. then while mike was driving me home we rocked out to F.O.B. and paramore. felt great. haha bomb ass day.


p.s. still gotta figure it out.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

mahalo tuesday

today started of crazy, woke up straight to studying...talked to julie while i crammed as much information as so sleepy now and i got business midterm to study for...what a hectic week. T_T probably update later...

p.s. "brown" hands down beautifulest girl in school.

came home played video games..gunbound got a HUGE update...played a little bit...then i just played guitar...still didnt study for business...lacking motivation...but yeah was fun playing with new ppl made a guild!! wooot join meee. haha but yeah talking about "brown" girl with byron...wish i saw her again just to say hi lmao.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

splendid saturday

its been awhile...i tried to keep posting everyday but i forgot haha. oh was relaxing woke up and started my life in the virtual world playing games lol...i should be doing my hw and geting ready for my midterm but idk why i procrastinate...i guess i just need a real push or something...something to just sit me down, cuz i know i cant do it by myself lol.
sitting around, watching the day pass by is what i do best on the weekends...the constant family arguments and conversations are so redundent. been watching this awesome anime called "Maburaho", its tiiight...just sitting here, thinking about reading but idk why im not. w/e time for gunbound with philson. and then watch maburaho. =]


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Stellar Wednesday

Today was actually a good day. Was studying for a business quiz (which i got a 14/17 on) and talking to julie...went to school finished through business and then went to the marshall vball game caught the last game for jv, saw their improvement over the days even though it may have not been a lot but they're getting there *congrats*....started to watch varsity, but got bored cuz they were gonna win for sure, so ryan and i went over to the other side and played volleyball with everyone else. julie showed up and i stepped on her big toe lol mad it even bigger. lol daniel was actually diving for the first time in his vball career haha...was some good sets in. *fast forward* jomart got emotional and stuff happened...daniel acted his usual gay self. lol. he was telling me on how he wanted to gymnastics...went home...finished my essay for history then ate and played a little bit of video games...and now listening to stellar by incubus. use to love playing this on guitar. and tomorrow history and vball 8-12pm, come home chill with philson and my bro.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

sadness and sorrow

a song from naruto (instrumental). very organic. as it sets the mood for this blog (lol). i write about my day haha. started off very quick, waking up calling ryan *ring ring ring*...went on aim talked to jujulie started off my day splendidly. As i arrived to class saw my teacher walking in front of me and damn can he walk...ridiculous. Went through history and then went to volleyball. tammy got angry dont know why...but probably frustrated. after class we went to troupa(sp?) meeting, was pretty packed with flips that i havent seen at school yet lol considering the fact that i mainly kick it with flips and/or go to the T building occasionally where the troupa club hangs out...idk why i go, but yeah...damn dj. haha
After the meeting we went to Joe's house (vball classmate) and played 2k9 but before we headed to his house we stopped by 7-11 to get some food, i bought some food and when i was getting change for chris from my pocket i took out everything and i placed my phone on the counter without noticing...then we went to joe's house and i took a nap on the floor near the warm sun and it felt good. when i woke up i realized i didnt have my phone and i left it at 7-11, i went back and i asked the clerk if he saw a phone and he said no...back in the car defeated by life once again (lol) tried to overcome this objstacle, but damn all the memories...the pictures...the events...julie singing in the locker room...great times. plus my micro sd card was in there too fuckerrrrrrr...sigh....what a disappointment. home life same...philson came over. was good to see him (like a brother)...hearing about the new girl he's trying to get at brings back memmories haha. time to play gb. lol what a day with ups and downs.


"Life is only understandable when looking in the past, but we always live it into the future."

Monday, October 13, 2008


I dislike mondays with passion.
woke up and just played til school came along.
my life is so repetitive and uneventful. T_T
nothing good happen today. end it short.


P.S. best part of the day was watching Monster Inc. with my baby sister.


Sunday was such a drag. woke up and was put to the job of taking care of my sister. 10:30 my brother came over. was talking to him while i played gunbound. *got owned*...started my philosophy essay which i think i did horribly on. parents wouldn't give me space...kept coming into my room and talking about the past and all i wanted to do was get my essay done. T__T Ryan calls asks me if i wanted to go eat with paul, kish, and carleen...had no money and that damn essay. so i ended up just staying home and playing games. wish i could have gone....oh wells. so tired got school tomorrow at is boring, dont know why i took it. i wish i wasnt so dogmatic sometimes lol. but who isnt right? today was bedazzlin' boring.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Typical routine

Today started of horribly b/c i get that typical lecture from my mom about trying hard in school and "trying" to be better then my brother and keeps annoying me with the fact that he got A's on his tests (dont get me wrong proud of that nig, but parents just wont let it go). sucks being the middle child.

some USC ppl came to talk about eye examinations for children. They saw me holding my sister and asked me how old is my daughter. lol i guess i look old enough *chuckle* lol. so sleepy. talked to julie, josh, and andy so far made my day. lol

julie was suppose to save me today, but she didnt T__T so now im writing this blog to her. SAVE ME lol